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Blog Post

Security Deposits

  • By Adonis Benedict RAFER
  • 28 Sep, 2018
This is a copy of the Illinois statute governing security deposits. Please note it is specifically for buildings with five or more units. This applies to our multi-family properties but not to our single family homes.

There actually is no Illinois statue governing security deposits and single family homes. Traditionally we do generally follow the outline of the state statue regarding deposits for our single family homes also. Items typically deducted from the security deposit are damages, cleaning, late fees, bounced check fees and other items that may have been accrued by
the tenant.
By Adonis Benedict RAFER September 28, 2018
By Adonis Benedict RAFER September 28, 2018
True emergencies are very few in nature. They are limited to a very few items:

  1. A burst pipe that is causing water damage
  2. A furnace that has gone out in freezing temperatures
  3. Storm damage
  4. Electrical outlets that are smoking and or sparking

For weekends, holidays or after hours only when one of the four items above happen  telephone 217 – 649 – 6301. Do not use this number for any other purpose other than one of the four items listed above.

FIRE OR CRIME should be immediately reported by telephoning 911.

After the authorities have been contacted you should report property damage to us. If it happens on weekends or after hours and the property needs to be secured contact 217- 649 – 6301.
By Adonis Benedict RAFER September 28, 2018
We try to respond to a request for maintenance the same day of the request when it is made before noon. Some items require ordering of parts and some days we are too busy to get there the same day. In general we try to respond the same day and no later than the next day when it is during the week.
Following are a few helpful hints:

1. By far the very best way to ask for a maintenance request is by e mail. We simply forward the e mail on to the appropriate person with approval to proceed.

2. If you do not access to a computer then the next best way to contract us with a maintenance request is in writing to the office.

3. We discourage telephone calls to the office for requests for maintenance.

4. Is the power out in the bathroom or the kitchen? It is likely that your GFI safety outlet tripped because it sensed too much moisture in the room to safely use electricity. Try resetting the outlet using the buttons in the center of the outlet BEFORE YOU CONTACT THE OFFICE.

5. AFTER HOURS AND WEEKENDS – No heat in the winter time is the only routine maintenance call we will respond to after hours or weekends. (see section related to what constitutes an emergency)
By Adonis Benedict RAFER September 28, 2018
The federal government requires all landlords to provide this pamphlet to renters of properties built before 1978.

The Hickory Street Apartments was completely stripped back to the original masonry and rebuilt new. For our residential homes and duplexes we have no reports that on file is present. The vast majority of our single family homes have been substantially remodeled and in the process most, if not all, original surfaces were covered and sealed.
By Adonis Benedict RAFER September 28, 2018
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